Thursday, June 24, 2004

Ten Years Later - still 2gether4ever

June 24, 1994 - The first day that Louie came to visit me at what-used-to-be-my home in Manila. The first day he met my family. The day he asked me the question, "Do you love me?". Okay enough of the kabaduyan cause I'm sure it has been read over and over again from our wedsite. But to tell you the truth - these "kabaduyans" were all recounted, ten years later - TODAY, that is! - Also, nicely written (oh yeah, my hubby has a very nice penmanship) - in his Anniversary Card for me, were 10 reasons why he enjoys life with me:

1. because you understand my weaknesses.
2. because you cook delicious food.
3. because you encourage me to be a better person.
4. because you give me a massage every once in a while.
5. because you take care of planning our holidays.
6. because you drive for us when I had too much to drink.
7. because you are able to tease me so badly that I'd burst into anger and yet still manage to laugh hard at me.
8. because you are so good in bed.
9. because you inspire me to be creative.
10. because you love me despite of my shortcomings.

Oh and in case you knew that he gave me Hershey's kisses 10 years ago... He has never given me one since then. (Cause in Australia you can only get them in SOME Filipino stores. You're lucky if they have it in stock too). But today, he did. *sweet, totally*

Nothing fancy of some sort has been planned for tonight. But tomorrow, Friday, I'm taking a day off to take Luigi to Gymbaroo. Then Mum and Bub will be city bound to check-in at Mariott Hotel (overlooking the Sydney Harbour) while waiting for Louie to finish his training so we can all watch Shrek 2 and spend the evening cuddling in the hotel suite... This is how we're celebrating the day after our 4th wedding anniversary!

I thank God today for the gift of spouse - Louie. Nothing in this world would mean anything without him.


love ;
x8:03 AM

take my hand ;


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